The platform is designed for collectors, art lovers, fashion enthusiasts, rarity hunters, second-hand buyers, good-willers, and "thrift store" gleaners. Those who want to expand collections or get something interesting, rare, and unusual-Antique items or objects based on art and uniqueness. The platform is designed to meet the maximum safety criteria for buyers and sellers. Our "Guaranteed Ouslet Protection" secures that the seller gets paid only after the buyer's delivery confirmation. Buyers can pay via their mobile phone and don't have to enter any personal data or credit card numbers. You get what you ordered or your money back. No hidden fees, $0 payment gateway fees.
For the seller, we have prepared an innovative listing presentation and also an exclusive free rotating exhibition of the story on the main page of the platform. To help auctioneers better understand how it works, Ouslet created a cornerstone content that explains everything people would need to know about the avant-garde auction so they can enhance their chances of sale and share their stories at the same time.